How to lose weight - one experience!

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• Don't be obsessed with the question how to lose weight!

• If you have healthy lifestyle, maybe you will need only some adjustments!

• Nadežda often was on some diets and exercising with a goal to maintain a good weight! Couple of time she mentioned that she has a problem with a very fast regaining extra kilos.

• We spoke half an hour about the meal time management, and about the quality of the products.

• The result from this talk was her pleasure to not have any more the famous Yo-yo effect!

- The healthy breakfast containing fruit, grains, soy milk and nuts, without refined sugar was one of the main pillar of this strategy!

- Lunch with grains, vegetable, beans and nuts;

- And dinner if it is taken to be not later than 18:00,preferable not after 16:00, and some light combination of vegetable with some healthy dressing.

-If it is possible she needs to go to sleep earlier and tomorrow again the same circle having start in good breakfast and so on.

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