Experiences with natural treatments for asthma

Is there some experiences with natural treatments and natural remedies for curing, or at least controlling asthma?
• Answer: Yes. Here is one of them.

• A group of patients in Sweden were placed on a vegan diet (no milk, eggs, or animal products) for a period of one year.

• The average patient in the study had suffered from asthma for nearly 12 years, and for about half of these patients allergy tests had not been helpful.

• The study group represented a group of patients with quite advanced disease. The diet had no coffee, tea, chocolate, sugar and salt.

• Cereals were very limited but buckwheat, millet and lentils were accepted. Citrus fruits and apples were not permitted.

• Patients were encouraged to drink water or herbal teas up to 1 ½ liters every 24 hours. The patients were to spend some time every day in physical activity out-of-doors.

• Over 70 percent of the patients reported improvement or disappearance of symptoms after four months on the program, while after one year 92 percent were improved or well.

• The group as a whole reported a decrease in the number of asthmatic attacks, and less severe symptoms in the attacks that did occur.

• Changing the diet to induce a change in bowel micro-flora may be effective in reducing asthma symptoms!

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