Benefits of a Vegan Diet

Vegan diet mean strict vegetarian food. It is what you can grow in the garden and eat that. The opposite of a vegan diet is the food from animal source.

The benefits of a plant based diet are:

1.) Fiber rich content! Animal food does not have fiber! Fiber helps bowels to work properly, have stable energy(!), prevent many diseases and to maintain good weight.

Which diseases are associated with a low fiber diet?   

Constipation, Diverticular Disease, Hemorrhoids, Appendicitis, Hiatus Hernia         , Varicose Veins, Bowel Cancer, Bowel Polyps, Heart Disease, Arterial Sclerosis, and Strokes, Diabetes, Gallbladder Disease, Obesity (fiber deficiency increases number of calories eaten for satiety)

 Fiber increases satiety rate (on a high fiber diet a person eats 50% less calories than on a low fiber diet.

 Do polished grains contain fiber?     Most of the fiber, vitamins and minerals are lost when rice and other grains are polished.

2.) Proper amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats which takes less energy to process it by the gi tract.

Comparison of a high (animal) protein diet with a low (plant) protein diet:

Immune System:

--Vegetable proteins are richer in the amino acid arginine and lower in lysine. This balance is better for the immune system.

--Animal proteins are just the opposite—higher in lysine and lower in arginine.  This impairs our ability to fight disease.


--Animal proteins require longer stomach digestion—encourages fermentation and requires more acid for digestion. 

--This contributes to sluggishness, heartburn, ulcer formation and other problems.

-- plant foods contain vitamins and minerals which aid the digestion of the proteins.

Heart disease

--Animal proteins tend to be rich in saturated fats —these raise cholesterol and lead to narrowing, hardening, and increased plaque in arteries.

--Animal proteins without fat still raise blood cholesterol levels

Study:  Animal protein fed to rabbits (vegetarians)--rabbits develop artery damage and high cholesterol levels—even if the diet is cholesterol free. 

--Soy protein lowers blood cholesterol

--Plant proteins produce higher levels of arginine and glycine in the blood—this helps prevent clogging of the arteries.

--Elevates homocysteine levels in the body.  The amino acid homocysteine was found to be elevated in those having heart attacks.  Persons with elevated homocysteine are three times more likely to have a heart attack.

Cancer:                                           -In a high animal protein diet partially digested protein enters the colon daily.  When carbohydrate levels are low the bacteria in the colon utilize these protein residues and liberate ammonia in the process.  Ammonia is linked to colon cancer. 

-Animal products contain mutagens which alter the DNA, making the cell vulnerable to the cancer virus.

-There is a correlation between high intakes of animal proteins and colon, breast, pancreatic, prostate cancer.

Degenerative Diseases:                                                                       -Animal proteins are high in sulfur-containing amino acids and aromatic amino acids that are associated with several degenerative diseases and skin and colon cancer.

-A high protein diet may contribute to rheumatoid arthritis. A high protein diet of fish meal was found to cause rheumatoid arthritis with deformities in pigs. 

Osteoporosis:                                                                                              -Animal protein (high is sodium and sulphur) leaches calcium from the bone.  Plant protein sources do not induce the loss of calcium, even at 90 grams protein intake on a soy based diet. 

--Animal protein also causes urinary loss of phosphorus, iron, zinc and some magnesium.

Kidney damage:                                                                                                   -A high protein diet can cause an increase in the amount of blood passing to and through the kidneys (an extra burden), thereby increasing the kidney size. 

--kidney cancer is higher with high protein intake.  Harmful amounts of ammonia can make the cells less able to protect themselves from infection and from malignant transformation.

-- Studies show that the more animal protein that is consumed—even casein—the faster the kidneys wear out.  A high protein diet tends to inflame and destroy the nephrons

--High animal protein leads to the formation of kidney stones (calcium oxalate crystals). 

Gouty arthritis:                                                                                               -high protein diet increases the formation of uric acid (final end product of metabolism of purines).  Crystals of uric acid may form in joints when the concentration of uric acid is raised, thereby causing gouty arthritis.

Weight control:

-protein rich foods are often fat rich foods, thus contributing to obesity.

-weight loss diets that encourage high protein rarely are useful

-high protein diets crowd out the most needed foods in the diet (fruits, vegetables, grains).

-exercise is the most important component for weight loss

-high protein diets encourage the loss of muscle and other tissues, and weight regained is with a higher body fat % (BMI).

Gallstones:                                                                                                     -Animal proteins like casein increase gallstone formation while vegetable protein like soy reduces stone formation.

-In laboratory experiments, stones can even be regressed by vegetable diets. 

Early puberty:                                                                                -the average age of sexual maturity for teenage girls has declined from 17.5 to 11.9 years

Affects the Brain:                                                                                       -Animal protein causes the production of false neuro-transmitters.  These cause a chemical imbalance in the brain which depresses the cortex where our higher thoughts are, but increases the activity in the brain centers where our lower thoughts and feelings are located.

What are the dangers of excessive fat intake?

1.     Obesity:  Fats are a concentrated source of calories and are easy to store in the body.

2.     Depresses the immune system functioning.

3.     Causes clumping of red blood cells.  This provides less surface area to carry oxygen and makes it difficult for blood to move through the capillaries.

4.     Increases the risk of cancer of breast, prostate, skin, colon, rectum, ovaries & womb. (5)

-1970 study:  rate of breast cancer in a nation correlates with how much fat its population eats.  U.S. ranks among top in fat intake & breast cancer death rate (Canada, Australia, Sweden, & Germany are similar).(5)

-French study:  women who ate most total fat increased risk of breast cancer by 60%

-Greek study:  women who ate more margarine had more breast cancer.

5.     Increases risk of  heart disease and diabetes (coronary artery disease—arteries that feed heart muscle are clogged with cholesterol).


3.) The animal food have much more diseases to transmit.

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