What kind of hydrotherapy is useful for asthma?
• Answer: Use hot footbath, alternating hot and cold to chest with a hot fomentation to the spine and cold cloth to face and temples.
• Give a cold shower to back between lower edges of shoulder blades. Continue to tolerance up to 15 minutes. Alternative is ice cold compresses across the back beneath shoulder blades
• Use a vigorous foot rub for relaxation if needed.
• If needed try a hot sitz bath or hot foot bath prolonged for half an hour.
• Tapotement to the adrenal area, especially when combined with a cold shower or ice cold compresses across the back as described above may stimulate the adrenals.
• The neutral bath (temperature between 94-97 degrees Fahrenheit) is helpful to some. Have patient lie in the tub for 20-120 minutes.
• Use steam or vapor in room. May add menthol or oil of eucalyptus. Air should be cool, not warm. May try cold air as some get benefit.
• Altogether: Neutral Bath at bedtime, Hot Abdominal Pack, copious water drinking, Enema before retiring, graduated Cold Baths, Renal Douche. Cold Colonic daily in cases of toxemia with dilated colon. Correct any existing stomach disturbance. If skin is inactive, give sweating process, followed by a cold bath of an appropriate form.