Heal yourself naturally!

If our optimal life is to be in the nature / garden, take food from there and have animal around, then the close are we to this point, the more successful will be the  natural healing of our being! ...

Proper diet, Exercise, The use of clean water, Temperance, Pure air, Positive social and spiritual life-experience, Sunlight and Rest. These are the real natural remedies!

Proper diet is the best start! It will bring stable energy and morning impulse! The simplest instruction is to have this combination of boiled grains and beans in the same meal combined with fruit in the morning 30min.-1hour after awakening, and vegetables after noon. For menu you can see here...

Drink water only after 2 hours of the meal, not during or close after. Use alternate shower warm/cold and finish with cold (be careful with the warm, and after the shower you need rest. Be stable! Do not start with cold until you are warm enough, and go on lukewarm at the start as much as you can and go back to the warm...

With this 3 principles you can receive starting energy for reformation. Then you will have energy for walking and doing sports and you will enjoy and not molest yourself!

Many people did it, you can do it too! See this experiences...

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