Constipation Signs And Symptoms

Basic constipation signs and symptoms are :stools are hard, dry, and infrequent. It is difficult to have a bowel movement. Other symptoms may include abdominal discomfort, lack of energy, dull headache, poor appetite, and low back pain.

Normal patterns of bowel elimination vary widely from person to person and you may not have a bowel movement every day. While some healthy people have consistently soft or near-runny stools, others have consistently firm stools, but no difficulty passing them.

When the stool is hard, infrequent, and requires significant effort to pass, you have clearly signs of constipation. The passage of large, wide stools may tear the mucosal membrane of the anus, especially in children. This can cause bleeding and the possibility of an anal fissure.

Straining to pass stool may cause high intra-rectal pressure leading to hemorrhoids. In later stages of constipation, the abdomen may become distended, hard and diffusely tender and the patient may experience cramps and colicky symptoms, occasionally with enhanced bowel sounds.

With this symptoms of constipation is necessary to start with some treatment because obviously life is a little bit burdensome.

Severe cases ("fecal impaction" or malignant constipation) may exhibit symptoms of bowel obstruction (vomiting, very tender abdomen) and "paradoxical diarrhea", where soft stool from the small intestine bypasses the mass of impacted fecal matter in the colon.

In many cases this symptoms of constipation has gone when people changed their lifestyle regarding the food, water and exercise regime!

Be in good health!

Internal links in "":

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Fiber,constipation and other diseases

Foods that relieve constipation

What foods cause constipation

Reasons For Constipation

Treatment of cat constipation

Treating dog constipation with natural remedies

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